United Way Worldwide and Survivor Alliance have collaborated to implement an innovative program to enhance survivor representation within the anti-trafficking sector. This program provides survivors of human trafficking a 14-month Fellowship placement throughout the United States, while simultaneously equipping host organizations with the tools needed to create a trauma-informed and inclusive workplace.

Survivors of human trafficking are empowered with leadership training for diverse roles across the anti-trafficking sector while also being provided a sustainable salary, access to health benefits, and the opportunity to build a career.  Fellows are given trauma-informed guidance and peer support as they navigate the unique challenges of being a lived experience expert in the field. Host organizations were prepared to host a Fellow through in-depth assessments and recommendations, allies training for staff, and ongoing trauma-informed support for supervisors.

Survivor/Ally Collaboration:


With Survivor Alliance’s expertise in developing employment pathways for survivor leadership and the extensive relationships held by United Way’s Center to Combat Human Trafficking in the anti-trafficking sector, we believe this partnership brings together the right people and resources. The program has been uniquely designed to foster partnership and collaboration between survivors and allies by matching organizations in the anti-trafficking sector with survivor leaders, based on their skills, interests, and values. 

In Tribute of:

We recognize that the work we are able to do today is done in solidarity with the survivors that came before us. 

This program is named in honor of Deborah Pembrook, a Former Executive Director at Coalition to End Human Trafficking in Santa Cruz and Rising Expert Program Manager at Rising Worldwide who died unexpectedly in April 2022. Deborah was a tireless advocate mentor, thought leader, and survivor leader. Deborah fought for survivors of human trafficking in leadership positions, pushing for those in our community who were most marginalized. She was a steadfast partner with allies, willing to educate and connect with folks who were walking the talk as partners. As we embark on this journey, we seek to uphold Deborah’s legacy of bringing people together and endeavor to create systemic and lasting change. She was a friend and colleague to United Way Worldwide and Survivor Alliance and we believe that this Fellowship embodies so much of what Deborah brought to our sector. 

Current Host Organizations

Humanity United


Marriot International

Survivor Alliance

United Way of Greater Atlanta

United Way of Greater Atlanta

United Way Worldwide

United Way Worldwide


You Are More Than, Inc.

Thank you to our Program Sponsors