Peer Researcher Development Program Curriculum

The Peer Researcher Development Programme (PRDP) was created to train and support a group of survivors of modern slavery in the UK who were interested in becoming engaged in academic research as more than research participants. The PRDP was facilitated by a research associate and co-developed with input from the survivor researchers (peer researchers). The programme ran from September 2021 to July 2022 and supported nine survivors who served as research assistants or research advisory board members in four different research projects. The PRDP included fortnightly seminars of two hours each, all facilitated online.

The PRDP was a key component of the research project entitled, ‘Placing Survivor Wellbeing on the Policy and Evidence Map,’ also known as ‘Survivors Transforming Anti-Slavery Research on Wellbeing’ (STAR-WB). Some peer researchers in the PRDP worked on the STAR-WB project, while others worked on different research projects.

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